expert movers
Office moving Checklist

Have You Discontinued or Redirected These Services?
- Newspaper delivery
- Telephone/Internet Services
- Sky/Pay TV
- Gas and electricity
- Water delivery
Notify your change of Address
- Post office for redirection of mail
- Your bank/credit card companies
- The electoral registrar
- Hire purchase company
- Your insurance company to transfer your cover on house, contents and motor vehicles
- Your life insurance company
- Your health insurance company
- Obtain your children's pre-school / school records
- Stores - where you have charge accounts
- Relatives, friends and regular correspondentsich you subscribe
- Club Memberships
- Publications to which you subscribe
- Your doctor and dentist
- Your solicitors and accountants
- Your place of worship
- Airline frequent flyer programmes
- Cleaners and gardeners
In Preparation for Move Day
- Ensure your move is confirmed with The Moving Company as soon as moving dates are known
- Select transit insurance and return proposal The Moving Company
- If you are moving overseas arrange international money transfer with XE
- Hire purchase companSpring clean - discard the things you no longer want, clean out expired medicines
- Dispose of inflammables or leave for new owners (i.e. paints, turps, kerosene, petrol cans etc)
- Dismantle kitset furniture
- Have BBQ/heater gas bottles professionally purged for transport
- Arrange for a specialist to disconnect flat screen TVs
- Plan to be available on move day or have an authorised person available
- Water plants being moved one week prior to your move (for nationwide moves only)
Keep Important Documents & Items With You
- Cash, Passport
- Personal travel documents and frequent flyer cards
- Medical and travel insurance
- Driver's licence
- Pet records
- Paperwork relating to your household goods removal
- Extra set of keys for the car, luggage and house
- Laptops and tablets
- Jewellery
- Sunglasses
Do You Need To
- Have your car serviced?
- Book pet transport/boarding with The Moving Company?
- Arrange childcare for day(s) moving?
- Collect any dry cleaning?
- Return school or library books?
- Empty sports lockers?
- Book your travel; flights, accommodation?
The Day Before Your Move
- Defrost freezers
- Empty rubbish bins
- Drain fuel from mowers and petrol weed eaters
- Thoroughly clean garden tools, mowers, golf clubs, outdoor furniture and bikes for quarantine inspections if moving overseas
- Empty vacuum cleaners (export shipments only)
- Identify items not to be packed and place in one area
- Ensure washing machine taps are turned off and pipes are disconnected
- Identify the items for your "Priority Cartons" - those items you want first on delivery/or the items for temporary use if going via storage
- Arrange a simple breakfast for move day and empty the dishwasher!
- Disconnect your computer and monitor, server or printer and gaming equipment
A Few Important Points to Know
- If we are transporting and storing your household goods, the following articles are classified as DANGEROUS GOODS and cannot be stored: ammunition, paint, linseed oil, turpentine, kerosene, petrol, cleaning fluids and aerosols of any kind
- Don't store perishable foods such as cereals, flour, vegetables, meat/fish etc.
- Please don't have your furniture French polished just before moving and if you are packing, don't put breakable items or liquids in drawers (i.e. perfume)
- Remember to identify any antique items or special items of value over NZD$5,000.00 on the insurance proposal form
On Move Day We Need You To
- Ensure your fridge is empty, dry and clean
- Ensure your freezer is defrosted
- Check everything to be packed and moved has been loaded, sign and retain a copy of our inventory list for your records